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Peru: TV news report (2018) shows a man giving his teenage son a strapping. Canada: TV news item on legal battles over parental CP.Ĭlip (2003) shows parents spanking small children, interviews with a Christian father who spanks, lawyers, and activists, as anti-CP agitators take their case to the Canadian Supreme Court. Canada: TV news item (2007) about a local school board offering parents lessons in how to spank their children.Ī posed reconstruction of a child being spanked is shown over a phone interview in French with a psychologist who helped devise the spanking lessons for parents. (2) Brief extracts from a TV documentary showing an Australian mother spanking her daughters. (1) Short TV news item (2006) on whether the smacking of kids should be outlawed in Australia. School CP (411 clips, four of which are New!) Judicial CP (120 clips, one of which is New!) Illicit CP (20 clips, one of which is New!) Just type 'New!' into your web browser search box. Note: you can search within certain pages of this website, including this one, for items that are new at the latest update.

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See also: Viewing the video clips on this website CORPORAL PUNISHMENT VIDEO CLIPS - caning, flogging, spanking, paddling

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